Friday, January 27, 2012

Chess960: The Great King's Pawns Opening Research Project

Played an SP141 Chess960 game the other day. So often when playing quickly as white, I'll play 1.e4 as a knee jerk reaction! After all it is the famous King's Pawn Opening in traditional chess isn't it? The problem is that in Chess960, 1.e4 can have a bit of a nasty sting in tail for white! Here is an example:

SP141 White to play: 1. e4

The classic scenario simply goes like this:
  1. e4!?  ... f5!? (White screams doohhh! because of Bxa2)
  2. Nb3!? ... fxe4!?
  3. f3!?  ... Nb6!?
I cannot tell you how many times I have played e4 to find this scenario or similar cropping up! So here are some stats for the scenario and how often to expect it. Notice that the theme crops up in batches of three consecutive SP's in a row? I've included quick computer checks of exactly the same King's Pawn Opening opening sequence from above, noting their approximate severity:

| 141 | NRQBNKBR ok
| 142 | NRQNKBBR good
| 143 | NRQNKRBB dubious

| 157 | NRNBQKBR good
| 158 | NRNQKBBR good
| 159 | NRNQKRBB good

| 173 | NRNBKQBR good
| 174 | NRNKQBBR good
| 175 | NRNKQRBB good

| 189 | NRNBKRBQ dubious
| 190 | NRNKRBBQ dubious
| 191 | NRNKRQBB dubious

| 237 | NRQBKNBR ok
| 238 | NRQKNBBR good
| 239 | NRQKNRBB dubious

| 253 | NRKBQNBR good because of Qe1
| 254 | NRKQNBBR good
| 255 | NRKQNRBB dubious

| 269 | NRKBNQBR dubious because of f1
| 270 | NRKNQBBR good?
| 271 | NRKNQRBB dubious

| 285 | NRKBNRBQ dubious
| 286 | NRKNRBBQ good because fxe4
| 287 | NRKNRQBB dubious

| 333 | NRQBKRBN dubious
| 334 | NRQKRBBN good
| 335 | NRQKRNBB good?

| 349 | NRKBQRBN good?
| 350 | NRKQRBBN good?
| 351 | NRKQRNBB good?

| 365 | NRKBRQBN dubious
| 366 | NRKRQBBN good?
| 367 | NRKRQNBB good?

| 381 | NRKBRNBQ good?
| 382 | NRKRNBBQ ok because e4 blocks Qh1
| 383 | NRKRNQBB dubious

Basically the underlying pattern is this:
  1. If a rook is on f1 it is dubious for white because of Rf8xRf1
  2. If a queen is on f1 same as above
  3. If a queen or rook is on e1 then usually good
  4. If a knight is protecting a7, then it is dubious for white
  5. If a knight is on f1 then good
I actually quite like the Chess960 numbering scheme because of the way that themes like this play out in consecutive batches of SP numbers. Makes for interesting studies by consecutive SP numbers.

Chess960 insiders tip!:
If you are playing white and you knee jerk 1.e4 only to realize that black can counter attack on the edge pawn and your rook on b1, don't panic! Just continue playing the opening calmly, because out of all Chess960 positions, the situation crops up only 4% of the time, and when it does, 1.e4 is only dubious roughly 33% of the time and it is never fatal!

Why do people still insist on playing traditional chess?? Analyzing the patterns in Chess960 is a lot of fun.

Enjoy 960!

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